Wellness has no age limit

Adolescent Weight Management


Losing weight is hard for adults, but truth be told, it can be even harder for adolescents and teens. It is not that it is physiologically harder…it is just harder due to the numerous external influences that the typical adolescent/teenager is facing.

In order to not disrupt the normal growth process, nutrition is of the utmost importance. Adolescents and teenagers are going through what will no doubt be their most socially, emotionally, academically, and hormonally challenging phase of life yet.

Being the mother of 5 children, including 3 young adults, Dr. Jenny understands first-hand how challenging it can be both on the teen’s side as well as the parenting side.

For these reasons, it is so important for patients and their families to partner with a team that can provide guidance and education regarding scientifically proven strategies while delivering this information utilizing a compassionate and non-judgmental approach. With adolescents and teens, weight loss isn’t always the primary goal, but rather, it’s about helping the patient make healthy lifestyle changes that as the patient continues to grow, will lead to the development of more lean muscle mass and a decrease in body fat.

Safety is always our biggest concern with adolescents, as it is with all our weight loss programs. This means physical as well as emotional safety. If there are ever questions or concerns from the patient, the patient’s family, or other healthcare providers, Dr. Jenny is more than happy to provide research to support our approach.

On that note, Dr. Jenny gives her personal cell phone and email to each of her patients, obviously with parental consent. It is so important that patients feel supported and heard.


Mental Health