Become a Healthier You

Results-Driven Medical Care


Over the past forty years, the prevalence of American’s being overweight and even obese has skyrocketed, yet the education of physicians and other healthcare providers is greatly lacking. It is a fact that most medical schools and residency programs do not include weight gain or obesity-specific education, leaving physicians with a great void when it comes to treating patients who struggle with what is now the most common chronic disease of modern times, obesity. There is also a gap with how to treat patients who are battaling weight gain and find themselves overweight and dealing with the realted side effects. 

Dr. Jenny found herself struggling to help patients truly achieve meaningful weight loss and disease resolution/remission. She saw her patients continue to struggle with multiple medical problems, both mental and physical, yet feeling unable to truly make a difference. This led her wanting to do more for her patients. She set out to learn as much as she could about the prevention and treatment of weight gain and obesity, decreasing disease, and optimizing wellness…a journey she is still on today.  Dr. Jenny has spent the past 13 years working at the Bariatric Medical Institute of Texas helping patients treat the root cause of so many of their chronic medical problems. She truly loves her job and feels honored to help patients pave the way to a healthier life.

Dr. Jenny uses a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to provide both healthy weight management and long term weight maintenance, in addition to optimizing overall health and wellness, helping patients live their best lives.

Dr. Jenny is now offering Direct Primary Care for patients seeking direct, personalized healthcare on their schedules.

Some services recommended by Dr. Jenny may be provided through Bariatric Medical Institute of Texas, including body composition analysis and referrals for surgical consultation and intervention.